Dear readers,
Since our most recent blog post is dealing with political issues specific for Germany, we will translate the post in the coming days. If interested, you may find the German post here:
In summary:

The goal for 2021 must be a massive reduction of case numbers, if possible, down to an incidence rate of ZERO. Only with a ZERO incidence rate, all the measures may be lifted. Once the incidence rate is higher than zero, the yo-yo effect will ensue since the virus is not gone.
Yours, Sabine and Jörg

SAJO is consulting all around infectious diseases. We are applying our know-how, that we have acquired in more than 20 years. We do what we can to fight this pandemic.
SAJO – for a healthy world and better future!
CALL: We are all in desperate need of new antiviral drugs to defeat SARS-CoV-2 with all its future mutants. SAJO offers THE key technology to enable this timely. Should you seek an opportunity to invest, please feel free to do so, in order for us to develop antivirals and to make progress at a faster pace.

This post is No. 152. To our delight our blog is receiving a lot of acceptance, we love to share our knowledge. Single posts and contents are being adopted by others, also in media. We have learned how to correctly make a citation; this we would wish from others in return as well. Please feel free to share the link – it is an informative tool to fight this pandemic.
If you like our blog and do find it helpful, please feel free to support the blog: SAJO, IBAN: DE19 7016 9464 0000 5444 50, BIC: GENODEF1M07, Re: sajo blog – Schenkung
Your contribution will provide support for our colleagues who are working behind the scenes of the blog. Sabine and Jörg continue to work on this pro bono.

Would you like to have SAJO antivirals and/or antibacterials?
If you want to award a contract to SAJO, or if you want to have us consult you, or if you want to invest in SAJO, please get in touch with us.