Since our most recent blog post is dealing with a political issue specific for Germany, we refrained from translating it. If interested, you may find it on:
Yours, Sabine and Jörg

SAJO – for a healthy world and better future!
SAJO is consulting all around infectious diseases. We are applying our know-how, that we have acquired in more than 20 years. We are developing safety concepts for establishments and companies, that are tailored individually to the premises. We do what we can to fight this pandemic.

To our delight our blog is receiving a lot of acceptance, we love to share our knowledge. Single posts and contents are being adopted by others, also in media. We have learned how to correctly make a citation; this we would wish from others in return as well. Please feel free to share the link.
If you like our blog and do find it helpful, please feel free to support the blog: SAJO, IBAN: DE19 7016 9464 0000 5444 50, BIC: GENODEF1M07, Re: sajo blog
Your contribution will provide support for our colleagues who are working behind the scenes of the blog. Sabine and Jörg continue to work on this pro bono.

If you want to award a contract to SAJO, or if you want to have us consult you, please get in touch.
Would you like to have SAJO antivirals and antibacterials?
If you want to support drug development, please feel free to contribute as much as you feel happy to: SAJO, IBAN: DE19 7016 9464 0000 5444 50, BIC: GENODEF1M07, Re: sajo drug development
The amount will be used for SAJO drug development.
Note: The company SAJO up to now has been funded by private means by Sabine and Jörg. More than € 500,000 were put into the development of the SAJO key technology. To take the next step, to develop SAJO drugs – antivirals and antibacterials – we are asking for R&D contracts and support.
A heartful thank you to Michel Kitenge, who made the photographes. mk.point Aachen, and many thanks to Oliver Hoogvliet for the lovely virus cartoon (