As virologists, we do agree with some of our medical colleagues that it is still possible to interrupt chains of infection. The spread of this virus will not be stopped, but the wave of infections may be slowed down. Such a slow-down of the epidemic will help the health care system in its handling of severe cases. At the moment, medical care is secured, but with an explosive viral spread this may no longer be the case.
In order to succeed, we need to accept more drastic measures.
Suggestions would be:
- As outlined in our first blog, mass events should be avoided. The bigger the event, the higher the probability of a person being present, who carries SARS-CoV-2. The bigger the crowd and the closer the contact, the higher the possibility of successful viral transmission.
- If an infection is suspected at school, not only should the school be closed, but all students and teachers need to stay at home: It is important that such a quarantine includes all household members! The same goes for kindergartens and childcare facilities. During this quarantine all households may be tested for SARS-CoV-2. Only then a decision can be made regarding re-opening the school. All households tested negative may lift the quarantine. In case of another suspected infection, the whole procedure needs to start again.
- For a closed school, it would make sense to implement virtual classrooms. This way lectures may continue during quarantine. Teachers need to think about how teaching material may be conveyed during such a quarantine. This way school does not stop entirely. Nowadays, most households are using social media with its virtual rooms. This infrastructure does exist already and may be used in a creative and meaningful way.
- Does the quarantine afflict only a few students, they should get the opportunity to virtually join the classroom. This is the moment where teachers need to show some creativity.
Generally, it is to be assumed schools, childcare centers and mass events are working as fire accelerants for an epidemic.
Now is the moment to implement such measures and take a pro-active role dealing with the epidemic. Even if these measures do lead to many inconveniences, they are in no way comparable to those expected to happen in a full-blown pandemic.
Finally, two more hints: When a school is closed, it may be subject to an intensive cleaning procedure. Besides surfaces, this also includes all the items that are touched by many; there are specialized cleaners. SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus that is not inherently stable, but there are many more pathogens that show stability.
Whenever possible, try and avoid public transportation and switch to bicycle, scooter, or simply walk.
Stay tuned,
Sabine and Joerg