Investors, sponsors and customers are welcome
The current spread of a new coronavirus again proves just how fast an infectious disease may travel across the globe. Previous examples have been SARS Coronavirus in 2003, MERS Coronavirus in 2012, HIV/AIDS starting in 1981 as well as the annually recurring Influenza epidemics, and, still very present in the press, the 1918 Spanish Flu.
Historic records show numerous pathogenic onslaughts from antiquity through the Middle Ages to modern times, for example the plague, cholera, typhus, smallpox, polio, and many others.
An immense number of unknown viruses is circulating in the animal kingdom. Once in a while, one of these viruses acquires the ability to cross the species barrier and become a zoonotic infection of humans. This has happened with the new Coronavirus in 2019.

In general, there are two ways to counter an infectious disease on a global scale: Vaccination or medication.
While vaccination prepares an organism to defend itself against the pathogen, medication is used once the pathogen has infected the organism. For a vaccination, the pathogen has to be known, isolated and prepared for a vaccine.
Medication is used to stop spread of the pathogen within the organism as well as the transmission from one person to the next. While a vaccine is specific for an antigen and thus for one pathogen, drugs may be cross active. Note: The current tetravalent influenza vaccine contains antigens of four influenza strains.
sajo is using its know how to identify highly active molecules that are directed against specific viruses as well as classes of viruses. Such molecules are working as a potent biological shield. The big advantage of the sajo technology is that we do not need to know the pathogen in advance.
The resulting banks of classes of antiviral molecules will be ready to be used for the next epidemic/pandemic. This stock of antivirals may serve as a prophylaxis for upcoming viral threats. This will give governments the chance to react appropriately and thus will give peace of mind to the public.
The sajo high technology is a complex method and the identification of molecules and the resulting medication will take several years for development. To speed up this process we now invite investors, sponsors and customers to contact us. In addition, early contract closure for R&D is possible.
Now we wish you a great time! Take care!
Sabine and Joerg