August 24, 2022, update on September 16, 2022: We are interrupting yet again our short series on lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for a nice, current event.
Started in February 2020, the SAJO blog is providing a thread through the pandemic with up-to-date information to present pandemics and infectious diseases.
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Dear readers,
SAJO was awarded and SAJO is celebrating.

The BUSINESS AWARD BERLIN is honoring the best German-speaking enterprises, societies, and institutions. The Business Award Berlin is the biggest independent award for entrepreneurs for the German-speaking region.

The SAJO nomination took place by an independent committee:

In August, the results were published. We want to share the honor with our loyal and interested readers.
Now we may hold the prize in our hands. We are happy, THANK YOU to the committee for nominating, and awarding us.
We are full of joy. We say thanks. To us, our team, all those who work at and contribute to SAJO this is a great joy and an honor.

All around SAJO there is a network of contributors. The company is in the midst of development, an expansion is in the planning, depending on financing and the will of the people to really look for new antivirals and antibacterial drugs. This will lead SAJO to an operative R&D business, putting our key technology to use.
SAJO can and will protect from infectious disease, should this be wanted. Please get into contact with us.

A special thanks goes to our network, supporting SAJO. We especially thank our longtime patent attorney and friend Dr. Nikolai Hartz and our patent attorneys with whom we are working together since the 1990s; our designers, foremost Michel Kitenge; our IT specialists; Oliver Hoogvliet, a valued longtime friend who is embellishing our posts with his cartoons; our lawyers covering all legal issues, and all those working in administration, and those bringing in their positive attitude. SAJO is more than a company, SAJO is an attitude towards life, with two lifelong experiences in science combined with a positive attitude.

We, the founders are enthusiastic about SAJO, almost obsessed. We are living and loving SAJO – the name reflects their respective names’ first two letters. We are pondering solutions for diseases that cannot be treated yet . And we are advancing even further to prevent and protect from infectious diseases. We are using all our knowledge, accumulated since the 1990s, learned from the greatest in their fields on whose shoulders we are standing – Nobel laureates and their former students – to find solutions. THANK YOU to our US and German colleagues. We came a long way, overcoming obstacles, and now we may bring in the harvest. All the basic scientific work – even when made hard to achieve, now is forming the base for SAJO. The knowledge is ours! And we intend to use it for the better of the people and to their protection.
Those of you who would like to enable this, we are calling to contact us by phone (+49 176 2198 1495) or email ( to become a part of the magic of progress.
Numerous positions are in the planning, waiting to be staffed, assumed you want our products – new antiviral and antibacterial drugs – to be delivered. Investments are long-term, meaningful, and rewarding. Remember, all the basic work has been done already. Now it is time to harvest.
Not all pandemics are obvious, such as SARS, Influenza, or HIV/AIDS. There are quite a few silent pandemics, such as with multidrug-resistant bacteria, a hidden danger. If you go to a hospital for a routine surgery, you do not know if you will return home without an infection. You might know numerous cases, not entering any statistics, since the infected are dying at home.
What is more of a loss, than one’s life? There are too many unnecessary deaths by infections.
Even the COVID-19 statistics are sugarcoated; many deaths are not tallied in the official numbers. Only cases confirmed by PCR are counted in the official statistics. Thus, these statistics are skewed. You should be aware of that fact.
Infectious diseases do not simply hit the poor, or those living in slums, or simply “the others”. Infectious diseases may hit anybody. SARS-CoV-2 has the unnerving capability to cross borders, just by its aerosol transmission pathway. Here, education and the knowledge of transmission pathways do help. The more knowledge people have about infectious diseases, the better they may protect themselves.

We say CONGRATS to all the other nominees, and to the other winners of their respective industrial sectors. Let us proceed to a successful future together.
SAJO is offering consulting and information all around infectious diseases. We are pursuing the goal of developing the next generation of antiviral and antibacterial drugs.
Humanity is in need of these drugs! Their necessity is becoming all the more urgent. Help us, support SAJO, recommend SAJO and become an active part of SAJO. SAJO is standing for a better and healthier world.

Become part of the SAJO movement. To bring OUR new scientific developments into action – this is SAJO. Let yourself be excited! Let yourself be captivated, too! The world of viruses and bacteria is a fascinating one.
Yours, Sabine and Joerg

Dr. Sabine Breun and Dr. Joerg Baumann, both PhDs, virologists, immunologists, molecular biologists and founders of SAJO. Both are specialized in infectious diseases. Since the 90s, Dr. Baumann has been working on zoonoses and how pathogens overcome the species barrier. Since 2000, Dr. Breun works on the interaction of viruses with the immune system. Both work as team. SAJO enables new antivirals – antivirals of the next generation to fight pandemics.
During their scientific carreers, both performed scientific work for 5 years at the National Cancer Institute in a US elite program on competitive US scholarships.

SAJO – for a healthy and better future!
SAJO is consulting all around infectious diseases. We are applying our know-how, that we have acquired in more than 20 years. We do what we can to fight this pandemic.

This is post No. 232. To our delight our blog is receiving a lot of acceptance, we love to share our know-how and expertise. Please feel free to share the link – it is an informative tool to fight this pandemic.
(Note: We are no members of political parties, religious congregations, or societies. We value independence, sovereignty, and freedom. With our blog we are providing purely scientific advice, without conflict of interest, altruistic. We are not being paid for it.)

The SAJO high technology (the heart of SAJO) allows for the identification and isolation of next generation antiviral and antibacterial components for the development of new drugs, for prevention or therapy. This is what we do best – these are our USP and our strength.
Looking for a reputable, wise and long-term investment?
Financiers and big investors, who respect democratic values are very welcome to contact us.
#1 Should you like to have SAJO antivirals or antibacterials, or to give a contract, or need consultation, or to invest into SAJO, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may use the formular at our homepage or phone number or email.
#2 On a regular basis we are asked for ideas. For ideas please feel free to contact us as well. You may use the formular at our homepage or phone number or email.
The SAJO business model:
Visit Sabine at XING and Jörg at LinkedIn