…that stands out through true innovations!
A question for you: Would you reveal your technology, knowing that it is unbeaten and without competition worldwide, due to its high efficiency, that is saving time?
That is the reason we do not take part in business contests.
A question for details of our methods and how exactly we are implementing them does not go down well with us. We consider this dubious.
Our experience has taught us. In the past it happened too often during our time at prime public research institutes that texts from our research proposals and applications were copied in order to give an innovative spin to an old-fashioned institute. Naturally, this kind of research was never performed at these institutions.
We have been asked many a time if this is offending us. Well no, it is distinguishing us when others copy our works, texts, and contents. We know that the plagiarists will not succeed in performing this kind of work.
There is one drawback: Other institutions did acquire funding with our texts and ideas. These funds were considered a loss for the funding bodies and foundations.
Should you be interested in developing antiviral or antibacterial drugs, you best contact the original.

We are setting great store by highest quality standards on every level. This feature is setting us apart from many others.
We are developing the next generation of drugs, broadband antivirals, and broadband antibiotics. These new drugs will be needed rather earlier than later.
We are working on that with a positive spirit and great enthusiasm. It is great fun! And we are looking at a good future!
sajo – for a better and healthier world! Join in!
Yours, Sabine and Jörg

A heartfelt thank you goes to Michel Kitenge for the amazing background design and the photographs. The background design now is available on T-shirts for our team!
Further reading, an overview:
Meet Sabine at XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Sabine_Breun
Meet Jörg at LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jörg-baumann-phd-0710b11a3
Meet Jörg at LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/j%C3%B6rg-baumann-phd-0710b11a3
The sajo business model as flyer: https://www.sajo-innovation.de/sajo-Flyer.pdf
THE sajo business model: https://www.sajo-innovation.de/blog/the-sajo-business-model/
THE sajo business model in a nutshell: https://www.sajo-innovation.de/blog/sajo-in-a-nutshell-sajo-develops-broadly-active-antivirals/
Sabine & Jörg – this is who we are: https://www.sajo-innovation.de/blog/sajo-sabine-and-joerg-bb-breun-baumann/
sajo off the beaten track: https://www.sajo-innovation.de/blog/always-off-the-beaten-track/