Please give us a call!
Our hotline is available:
+49 176 2198 1495 und +49 176 2198 1496
Monday 10 am – 11 am CEST
Wednesday 10 am – 11 am CEST
Friday 10 am – 11 am, and 3 pm – 4 pm CEST
fax +49 2471 1356 067
E-mail: and
Beyond these time frames you are welcome to leave a message on the answering machine, we will return your call within 24 hours.
We are looking for individuals, investors, institutions, foundations and banks, who are aware of the importance, while being financially strong partners.
Would you like to get highly active antiviral drugs for treatment and prophylaxis?
To that end, we are opening a call for a financial consortium.
We are extraordinary and we are thinking big.
We are looking for partners who want to take part in our big endeavor.
We are having the head start and we are thinking big: This is minimizing the risk of failure and is minimizing a time loss.
In the field that we are working in, YOUR risk is minimal. We are sure and we are confident in our capabilities.
Parameters: We need € 100 – 150 M now for the upcoming years to start the operative business. The amount will be used for a building with the necessary safety laboratories (€ 60 M including equipment) and the suitable infrastructure as well as the set-up of our proprietary technology, with personnel.
Would you or the respective institution like to profit through us and SAJO, our years long development of technology and business model? To you, this would be a relaxed one, for we are doing the job and we have made all the groundwork in long working hours over 20 years.
Please give us a call.
In the end we will have new antivirals for the current and the coming pandemics.
Please get into contact!

Enjoy the summer in the outdoors and keep the necessary distance. Keep your personal risk of infection as low as possible, since the long term consequences of an infection are not clear yet.

Sabine and Joerg
SAJO – for a healthy and better future!
A heartful thank you to Oliver Hoogvliet for the great cartoon. ollihoo (

Information about SAJO may be found here:
Information regarding the recent scientific results about COVID-19:
Information on the global development of SARS-CoV-2: