It is in your hands!
In a democratic society the individual makes the decisions. This freedom, however, is coming with a responsibility. It is only in authoritarian societies, that individual responsibility is delegated to the authorities.
These were our observations of previous weeks:
The party is going on. Vacation, travel, clubbing, concerts and sports events went on as usual. Should the stadium be closed, thousands of fans were gathering in front of it. Grandchildren are handed over to grandparents (who bear a greater risk of disease) and family events are taking place as usual.
Voluntary abstinence from events serving personal pleasure exclusively did not happen. Therefore, governments had to act. If a society is not able to make the right decisions – nowadays there is no lack of information – it is beyond help.
We warmly recommend the following questions:
Will you take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones?
What is more important to you, the upcoming event or the health of your family and friends?
Are you prepared to abstain from your pleasure events for a short while (the Christians among you are in the middle of lent after all), to catch up on these once this crisis is coming to an end?
At the moment, scientists and medics are working their hands to the bone 24/7 to find a solution while you are having parties as if there were no tomorrow.
At times of the plague, many noble families retired to their castles to party, not knowing that the plague was already among them. For centuries, science and medicine have made great progress while the behavior of human societies has not changed. We find this rather depressing.
However, we do not give up hope for you to question your behavior, if it is for a limited time only.
Should you, 6 months from now, say “Oh, it wasn’t as bad as expected”, this is exactly what we try to achieve NOW. This is called preventive measures.

Sabine and Joerg